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# 最基础的几个命令 git clone git add git commit -m "my commit message" git pull git push origin $branch_name git reset $commit_id git show $commit_id git revert $commit_id git rebase master |
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# 应用已经存在的commit git cherry-pick $commit_id # 合并两个分支 git merge $branch_name/$commit_id # 本地有未提交的修改,但是想做git pull时 使用 git stash # 把stash隐藏掉的东西恢复回来 git stash pop # -s 或 --signoff 在提交信息的末尾加上一行 Signed-off-by 信息, # 如 linux中常用的 Signed-off-by: Developer <> git commit -s -m "my commit message" git revert -s $commit_id # 查看某一个作者的提交历史信息 git-log --author=Jay # git log 输出信息格式定制化 git log --pretty=format:"%h %an %ae" git log --oneline --pretty=format:"%h %an %ae" # 搜索特定的字符串 -S git log --oneline -S keyword --pretty=format:"%h %an %ae" # 搜索正则表达式匹配的行 -G git log -G "^http" # 汇总git提交信息(按照作者汇总的) git shortlog # 汇总git提交信息 按照作者汇总 只显示commit个数(不显示commit message) git shortlog -s # --no-pager 选项,可以让 git log/git show 等不分页,直接展示所有 git --no-pager log git --no-pager show 111c5c24 # 查看diff统计信息,如 哪个文件增加了几行删除了几行 git diff --stat # 查看staged的(平时git add 后,git diff 就默认不可见了)修改 git diff --staged git diff --cached # --staged 与 --cached 是一样的 # 对于已提交过的注释信息,需要修改,可以借助 git commit --amend 来进行。 git commit --amend -m "update my commit message" # 可以防止引入一个Merge xx 的commit git pull --rebase # Show what revision and author last modified each line of a file. 查看当前的文件中的每一行最后修改的作者是谁;可以有bug/或看不懂的某一行找到作者 去沟通。 git blame |
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#!/bin/bash function usage() { echo "================================================================" echo "error! usage: sh $0 your-keyword" echo "example: sh $0 helloworld" echo "================================================================" } function git_info() { echo "=========================== INFO ===============================" echo "current keyword: $keyword" echo "current branch: $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" echo "current commit id: $(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" echo "if you want to use another branch, please git checkout to that branch first." echo "================================================================" } function git_find_keyword() { commit_ids=$(git log --oneline -S "$keyword" --pretty=format:"%h %an %ae") if [ "X$commit_ids" == "X" ]; then echo "error! can NOT find your keyword: $keyword" exit 1 fi echo "$commit_ids" | while read line do commit_id=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f1) author=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f2) email=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f3) keyword_lines=$(git --no-pager show $commit_id | grep "$keyword" | sort -n | uniq | cut -d"+" -f2) if [ -n "$keyword_lines" ];then echo "$commit_id $author $email" echo "$keyword_lines" fi done } keyword="$1" if [ "X$keyword" == "X" ]; then usage exit 1 fi git_info git_find_keyword |