1. 大文件的存在
比如 查看在常见的一些目录如(/home, /root, /var/log)等下面是否存在一些较大的异常文件,总结命令如下:
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# 如下命令查看一些目录中大于200MB大小的文件: sudo find /var/log /home /root -type f -size +200M | xargs -i{} ls -sh {} # 查找大于200MB的文件 并 按照文件占用磁盘空间大小排序: sudo find /var/log /root /home /root -type f -size +200M -printf "%k KB \t%p\n" | sort -k1nr sudo find /var/log /root /home /root -type f -size +200M -exec ls -Slh {} + # WARNING! I use not -exec ... \;, but -exec ... {} +. This construction doesn't pluck every file just it was found, but it waits, while all files will be found, and then puts them to one command (this time — ls) as one big list of arguments. Then ls is looking at files and, because key -S, sorts them by size, largest first. |
里面用的 ls -s 和 -S 选项,是需要注意的;同时 find 中的 -printf %k 选项 、 -exec 的用法,都是需要特别关注的。
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man ls: -h, --human-readable with -l, print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 234M 2G) -s, --size print the allocated size of each file, in blocks -S sort by file size (largest first 文件大的在前面) man find: -printf format : print format on the standard output %k The amount of disk space used for this file in 1K blocks. Since disk space is allocated in multiples of the filesystem block size this is usually greater than %s/1024, but it can also be smaller if the file is a sparse file. %p File's name. %s File's size in bytes. |
2. 有的大文件已删除了但进程未退出
另一种情况是,通过第1点中的find命令找不出来,但就是磁盘空间被占用太多,可能是因为有的大文件已经删除了,但却有进程打开着文件没有退出,导致文件虽表面已删除但却仍然占用磁盘空间。可以通过lsof 命令来查看deleted状态的文件,命令如下:
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sudo lsof | grep 'deleted' |
3. 可能存在一些太多的小文件