最近一个项目需要用30个左右的jmeter客户端来做压力测试,需要做一些部署和配置工作,这时我喜欢的Fabric就可以发挥它的力量了。其中,我希望将jmeter施压段放到后台去运行,最开始将“nohup xxx &”放到fabric的run()中执行时,却没有执行;后来看了下文档,并做了些实验。
1.使用已经存在daemon技术,如init、supervisord、upstart、systemd等,例如:/etc/init.d/tomcat restart 这样的命令,另外supervisord我也是很喜欢的。
2.使用screen、tmux、dtach等工具来从当前shell中detach进程。如:screen -d -m sleep 10 这样的命令。注:要设置pty=False,如 run('screen -d -m sleep 10', pty=False)。
共享一个前几天写的jmeter相关的fabfile吧: https://github.com/smilejay/python/blob/master/py2015/unified_order_fabfile.py
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#!/usr/bin/env python # a fabfile to manange the performance test for unified order project. # usage: fab -f unified_order_fabfile.py start_jmeter -P -z 30 # author: Jay <smile665@gmail.com> from fabric.context_managers import cd from fabric.operations import run, put from fabric.api import task, env env.hosts = ['', '', ''] env.port = 22 env.user = 'root' env.password = '123456' @task def hostname(): # show hostname # just for testing with cd('/tmp'): run('hostname') @task def copy_jmeter(): # copy jmeter to other machines with cd('/tmp'): run('rm -rf jakarta-jmeter-2.3.4') put('jakarta-jmeter-2.3.4', '/tmp/') run('cd jakarta-jmeter-2.3.4/bin; chmod a+x jmeter') #run('ls /tmp/') @task def start_jmeter(): # run jmeter in all test clients #with cd('/tmp/'): with cd('/tmp/jakarta-jmeter-2.3.4/bin/'): run('screen -d -m ./jmeter -n -t my-order.jmx -l log.jtl &>abc.log') #run('./jmeter -n -t unified-order.jmx -l log.jtl &>abc.log') #run('screen -d -m sleep 10', pty=False) #run('service tomcat start', pty=False) @task def kill_jmeter(): # kill the jmeter processes for unified order project with cd('/tmp/'): pids = run("ps -ef | grep unified | grep -v 'grep' | awk '{print $2'}") pid_list = pids.split('\r\n') for i in pid_list: run('kill -9 %s' % i) @task def get_status(): # get jmeter(java) running status with cd('/tmp'): run('ps -ef | grep unified | grep java | grep -v grep') |