以前写过一篇“UEFI和UEFI Shell简介”的文章,在这两天升级BIOS时又需要用UEFI启动然后升级BIOS,故写个笔记吧。
经常和最近的硬件系统打交道,有时BIOS也有一些bug fix,升级BIOS是常有的事情,我一般通过如下两种方式来升级BIOS。
1. 拔下BIOS芯片,直接烧新的ROM到BIOS芯片。
2. 通过UEFI升级,使用BIOS升级包中提供的脚本。
对于第一种方式,是先擦写掉BIOS芯片的ROM,然后将新的ROM烧录进去。我们需要一个夹住BIOS引脚并用USB连接到PC的硬件设备,然后使用“DediProg Engineering”软件工具,因此选择其中的"Detect"->"Blank"->"Erase"->"Prog"->"Verify"即可(当然还要选择"File"来加载需要烧入的BIOS ROM文件)。
1. 将BIOS升级包解压,并放到一个U盘中。
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[jay@jay-linux x056_package]$ ll total 24416 -rw-rw-r-- 1 jay vmm 8837632 May 15 12:43 iFlash32.efi -rw-rw-r-- 1 jay vmm 246400 May 15 11:49 ipmi.efi -rw-rw-r-- 1 jay vmm 2231952 Jul 10 15:36 MEComplete_02.01.05.107.cap -rw-rw-r-- 1 jay vmm 31867 May 25 18:21 ReleaseNotes_ME_02.01.05.107.txt -rw-rw-r-- 1 jay vmm 132179 Jul 10 15:45 ReleaseNotes_x056.txt -rw-rw-r-- 1 jay vmm 2883584 Jul 10 15:26 rml.rom -rw-rw-r-- 1 jay vmm 1759 Jul 10 15:46 Startup.nsh -rw-rw-r-- 1 jay vmm 5178896 Jul 10 15:36 x056.cap -rw-rw-r-- 1 jay vmm 5441040 Jul 10 15:36 x056Rec.cap |
其中Startup.nsh脚本如下所示,其实最重要的还是调用“iflash32 /u /ni x056.cap”进行实际的升级。
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echo -off # + ============================================================== + # Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation. # This source code and any documentation accompanying it ("Material") is furnished # under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of that # license. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any # intellectual property rights is granted to you by disclosure or delivery of these # Materials. The Materials are subject to change without notice and should not be # construed as a commitment by Intel Corporation to market, license, sell or support # any product or technology. Unless otherwise provided for in the license under which # this Material is provided, the Material is provided AS IS, with no warranties of # any kind, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties # of fitness, merchantability, or non-infringement. Except as expressly permitted by # the license for the Material, neither Intel Corporation nor its suppliers assumes # any responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear herein. Except # as expressly permitted by the license for the Material, no part of the Material # may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or # distributed by any means without the express written consent of Intel Corporation. # Module Name: startup.nsh # Abstract: Script file for invoking iflash. # + ============================================================== + # Program all blocks of BIOS from capsule file # + ============================================================== + echo Flashing Romley Platform BIOS... iflash32 /u /ni x056.cap |
2. 将装有BIOS升级文件的U盘放到机器上,启动系统,选择从“Internal EFI Shell”启动。
在启动时,按F6可以启动设备的选择"select boot device",然后选择“EFI Shell”即可;按键F2进入BIOS设备,设置为EFI Shell启动也可。
3. 在EFI Shell中,进入BIOS安装包所在路径,运行Startup.nsh脚本来升级BIOS。
map #映射驱动器路径
fs0: #进入fs0驱动器(即这里的U盘)
ls #列出当前目录中的内容,也可用"dir"命令
cd x056_package #进入某个目录
Startup.nsh #执行脚本来升级BIOS
关于EFI及EFI Shell的更多知识、命令等,请参考如下: