在使用一些命令时(如:ls、git),刚好遇到一些需求是想很方便地遍历所有的目录和文件,后来经过搜索,终于找到了一个“神奇”的通配符“**”(两个星号),在设置了Bash的globstar选项后,**就可以匹配任当前何目录(包括子目录)以及其中的文件。所以,了解了一下globstar这个选项,当未设置globstar时,**通配符的作用和*是相同的,而设置了globstar后,**的匹配范围不同了(更广一些)。注意:globstar是Bash 4.0才引入的选项,之前的老版本是不支持的,使用“bash --version”可产看当前使用的Bash的版本。
In shell-speak, globbing is what the shell does when you use a wildcard in a command (e.g. * or ?). Globbing is matching the wildcard pattern and returning the file and directory names that match and then replacing the wildcard pattern in the command with the matched items.
在bash的man page中,对globstar的说明提到只两次,说的都是同一件事情,如下:
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Pathname Expansion ...... * Matches any string, including the null string. When the globstar shell option is enabled, and * is used in a pathname expansion context, two adjacent *s used as a single pattern will match all files and zero or more directories and subdirectories. If followed by a /, two adjacent *s will match only directories and subdirectories. ...... globstar If set, the pattern ** used in a pathname expansion context will match a files and zero or more directories and subdirectories. If the pattern is followed by a /, only directories and subdirectories match. |
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#!/bin/bash <pre lang="Bash"> function show() { for i in ** do echo $i done } cd /root/jay/ echo "------------------------" echo "disable globstar option:" # globstar is disabled by default shopt -u globstar show echo "------------------------" echo "enable globstar option:" shopt -s globstar show |
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[root@smilejay jay]# ./test_globstar.sh ------------------------ disable globstar option: dir1 dir2 file1 file2 index.html test_shopt.sh ------------------------ enable globstar option: dir1 dir1/file3 dir2 dir2/file4 file1 file2 index.html test_shopt.sh |