1. KVM虚拟化效率还是比较高的,即使是在第二层客户机中的表现也不错;
2. 普通客户机效率为原生系统的91%,第二层客户机可以达到原生系统的67%;
3. virtual EPT的功能让Web程序运行效率提高了1倍左右;
4. VMCS shadowing 特性也能带来大约10%~20%的性能提高。
注:virtual EPT的patch还没有加入到upstream中(估计Kernel 3.11会有这些patch),本实现采用了线下手动打上相应的patch;Shadow VMCS是Intel Haswell CPU才引入的新特性(老的平台是没有)。
1. Main method: I used the target test system as the WordPress server system, and used JMeter (in the same 1000M LAN) as the client to generate a great amount of HTTP requests to the WordPress site and to collect/measure the response data from WordPress.
2. Below is the software stack. (BTW, the hardware is a Haswell mobile box.)
KVM: kvm.git next branch with kernel 3.9.0-RC3 (with offline vEPT patches)
QEMU: 1.4.50
guest OS: RHEL6.4 (with 4vCPUs and 4GB memory)
Web Server: Apache (httpd-2.2.15-26.el6.x86_64.rpm)
Database: MySQL (mysql-server-5.1.66-2.el6_3.x86_64.rpm)
Web App: WordPress v3.5.1
JMeter (a client on another machine): JMeter v2.9
3. WordPress Application: (If someone is kind of familiar with Apache, MySQL and PHP, it’s very easy for him to set up the WordPress website.)
The following link is a simple and clear guide for installing WordPress. (I don’t want to write duplicated docs about this.)
4. test client (load generator): JMeter (JMeter is a widely used open-source Web performance test tool which is written in Java.)
If I list the details about how JMeter works, it’ll be too complicated. Here’s its website: http://jmeter.apache.org/ , which has docs about this tool.
5. test cases: JMeter measured the response time and thoughput from the WordPress sever side. (we collected data for response time.)
case #1: the main page which should be the most likely visited page in the WordPress blog system.
case #2: a static image (with the size for about 300Kbytes)
case #3: a login page and login action
case #4: the administrator’s main page
For each test case, I used 20 client threads to interacting with the WordPress server simultaneously.
The CPU utilization is 50%~70% and load is 1~4 in the target system.
6. test result:
There’s significant performance improvement for case #1 but not much improvement for case #2~4 when adding vEPT and VMCS Shadowing.
So I only used the data of case #1 in my formal report.
The following is the detailed data in the WordPress testing. (response time in milliseconds: the smaller, the better.)
关于检查 virtual EPT 和 VMCS shadowing 特性的方法:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
# 附1:检查virtual EPT:在L0和L1中都看到EPT是enable的即可,命令如下: [root@jay-linux ~]# cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/ept Y #附2:检查VMCS shadowing是否enable,命令如下(在L0中): [root@jay-linux ~]# cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/enable_shadow_vmcs Y (如果看到的是N,则表示没有enable。) |
lcy 六 2nd, 2013 22:39 回复 | 引用 | #1
嗯,THP都是打开的~ 影响性能的因素太多了,性能调优也是一些很具体的事情,所以没有将相关的配置一一列出来。
lcy 六 4th, 2013 09:47 回复 | 引用 | #3
呃~ 我觉得这个得看你具体想在客户机中运行什么程序,因为不同程序可能对某方面(如CPU、内存、网络、磁盘等)比较敏感~ 我觉得一般来说,影响比较大的因素有:EPT、Huge page (包括THP)、使用中断方式、磁盘的使用方式、网络的使用方式等,具体在本博客中提到的嵌套虚拟化的部分,virtual EPT、VMCS shadowing等也有较大的影响。